The DOBOT MAGICIAN family of desktop robots offers first-class solutions not only for education and training, but also for industrial applications. The MG400 family of robotic arms for professional use offers industrial repeatability (0.05mm) and the motive power for vacuum suction cups.
Among the many options, the Suction Cup Kit provides one of the most modular solutions. With interchangeable suction cups, the robotic arm can adapt to the challenges presented by workpieces of different shapes and surfaces.
Its system is ready to use immediately after installation and requires no prior calibration or advanced programming skills.
Vacuum operated gripper
The end tool can grip workpieces using vacuum, so it needs a vacuum pump. To use this tool, it is therefore essential to have our product "DOBOT MG400 MINI VACUUM SOURCE - Additional vacuum pump for Magician MG400 (PRO) robotic arm" which can be found in our shop.
2-finger gripper
Air hose diameter | 4mm |
Suction cup diameter | 4mm, 8mm, 13mm, 16mm |
Weight | 120g |
Size (L. x W.) | 100mm x 30mm |
4-finger gripper
Air hose diameter | 4mm |
Suction cup diameter | 4mm, 8mm, 13mm, 16mm |
Weight | 160g |
Size (L. x W.) | 100mm x 100mm |
Content of package
1x Assembled four-headed gripper unit (Includes 2 connectors and 4 fitted suction discs) | 1x Assembled two-headed gripper unit (Includes 2 fitted suction discs and 4 connectors) |
2x Four-head gripper compatible socket | 4x Two-head gripper compatible socket |
6x 16mm diameter suction discs | 2x 13mm diameter suction discs |
6x 4mm diameter suction disc | 4x 8mm diameter suction disc |
4x Hexagon head screw (M3*10) | 2x Hexagon head screw (M5*8) |
1x 4mm diameter tube (1m) | 1x 5mm diameter tube (1m) |
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