With the EX5, Topping offers an extremely powerful DAC and headphone amplifier combination. Its DAC stage is built on two ESS ES908Q2M chips, which allows it to process high-resolution audio streams while delivering incredible accuracy and detail. The versatile EX5 features full connectivity, as well as Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. The NFCA circuit amplifier stage provides the power reserve needed to drive any headphones on the market while maintaining perfect sound quality.
At the heart of the EX5 is a highly efficient digital-to-analogue converter stage. Taking advantage of a symmetrical architecture, it uses two ESS ES9038Q2M chips that support both 768 kHz/32bit PCM and DSD512 resolutions with excellent sound quality, accuracy and detail. The converter stage is connected to a well-proven USB XMOS XU216 interface. It also allows decoding and rendering of MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) files. This technology allows you to enjoy studio quality recordings, providing an experience as close to the original as possible.
Topping EX5 supports the decoding and rendering of MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) files. This technology allows you to enjoy high-quality audio streams as close as possible to the original studio recording.
The EX5 uses a Bluetooth 5.0 Qualcomm CSR8675 chip for wireless connectivity. This allows you to listen to music from any mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, without the need for cables. The built-in Bluetooth chip supports aptX, aptX HD, aptX LL and LDAC high-definition codecs, which allow for high-quality audio playback.
The Topping EX5 has four outputs: one asymmetrical headphone output with 6.35 mm Jack connector, one symmetrical headphone output with 4-pin XLR connector and two line outputs with standard RCA and symmetrical XLR connectors. Four output modes are available: headphone output only, RCA only, XLR only, or XLR + RCA in parallel. These options allow the EX5 to adapt to a variety of applications and serve multiple systems. For each output mode, volume control is available via the unit's own knob or the supplied remote control.
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