Dieser kompakte symmetrische Wandler basiert auf vier Cirrus Logic CS43198 DAC-Chips, die eine Wiedergabe von Material mit 32 Bit, 384 kHz PCM und DSD256 mit extrem geringer Verzerrung, Rauschen und hoher Dynamik ermöglichen.
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The use of four Cirrus Logic CS43198 digital-to-analogue converter chips provides 8 symmetrical channels, which when combined give higher than usual performance, higher sound quality and better measurement results.
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At the heart of the D30 Pro's USB receiver circuitry is the XMOS XU208 8-core USB interface, which supports 32-bit, 384 kHz PCM and DSD256 resolution audio with the unique Thesycon driver, using a full-fledged, stable ASIO protocol for computers running Windows.
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The D30 Pro can adapt to any audio system with its wide range of connectivity solutions. The inputs include USB-B, optical and coaxial digital connections, while the outputs are standard RCA and balanced XLR connectors that can be used simultaneously to serve multiple systems. The built-in preamplifier also provides volume control via its own knob or the included remote control.
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The Topping D30 Pro has been carefully designed in every aspect. It uses an Altera PLC to generate and process the high-precision clock signal, and eight independent LDOs provide clean and stable power to the audio circuitry.
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