Topping × HOLO Audio's first collaborative high-performance DAC, the Centaurus features an innovative 8-channel R2R resistor array design with four dedicated circuits for DSD decoding and four for PCM signal processing. This design ensures accurate reproduction of every musical detail, setting Centaurus apart from other R2R DACs with its exceptional musical fidelity. It achieves ultra-low THD+N of 0.0005%, 130dB @1kHz SNR and 130dB @1kHz DNR.
It offers three sampling modes: NOS, OS and Best to meet different audio needs. The 2" colour touchscreen display runs an updated Aurora UI system for easy customisation of the 10-band PEQ. The Qualcomm QCC5120 chip with Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity supports up to LDAC and aptX HD quality processing of incoming signals. The Centaurus offers a wide range of connectors: USB, optical, coax, AES, IIS and Bluetooth 5.1 inputs, plus RCA and balanced XLR outputs.
The Centaurus is a DAC of remarkable capability, perfectly synced with the Topping A70 Pro headphone amplifier, which matches in both looks and capability. Made in black and silver. The package includes a USB-B cable, an AC cable, a Bluetooth antenna and an RC-15A remote control. The product weighs 1.13kg.
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