ETYMOTIC ER3XR - Single BA Driver Reference In-ear Monitor Earphones

Numéro d´objet: MG-ER3-XR
ETYMOTIC ER3XR - Single BA Driver Reference In-ear Monitor Earphones
ETYMOTIC ER3XR - Single BA Driver Reference In-ear Monitor Earphones
ETYMOTIC ER3XR - Single BA Driver Reference In-ear Monitor Earphones
ETYMOTIC ER3XR - Single BA Driver Reference In-ear Monitor Earphones
ETYMOTIC ER3XR - Single BA Driver Reference In-ear Monitor Earphones
Numéro d´objet: MG-ER3-XR
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The ER3XR offers more bass boost, building on the sound quality of the ER3SE, while providing more bass for listeners who prefer a more pronounced low end. ER3XR "eXtended Response" is favored by those who enjoy the extra bass presence and body when listening to their music. The extra bass is done tastefully without turning the ER3XR to a bass heavy IEM.
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