XtremeMac InCharge Dual LT/30pin charger stand

Numéro d´objet: IPU-ICDL-13
XtremeMac InCharge Dual LT/30pin charger stand
XtremeMac InCharge Dual LT/30pin charger stand
XtremeMac InCharge Dual LT/30pin charger stand
XtremeMac InCharge Dual LT/30pin charger stand
Numéro d´objet: IPU-ICDL-13
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The XtremeMac InCharge Dual charger stand allows charging of up to two different Apple devices (Lightning and 30 pin connection). Place your iPhone, iPod or iPad in the stand with the adjustable connectors. Capable of 2400mAh charging speed for fast charging your devices.