The Gustard X16 D/A converter with high-end components offers high quality and performance thanks to two ES9068AS DAC chips, XMOS XU216 USB controller, Accusilicon clock generator and Altera MAX II CPLD processor.
The X16 DAC is capable of decoding MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) files via USB, coaxial, AES/EBU, optical and I2S inputs. Full-featured MQA processing results in high quality audio reproduction and sound as close to the original as possible.
Built with the next-generation ESS Sabre ES9068AS chips the X16 delivers highly detailed and accurate sound reproduction with -120 dB distortion and 128 dBA dynamic range. These chips enable hardware decoding of MQA files and support high resolution files up to 32-bit 768 kHz PCM and DSD512.
The Altera MAX II CPLD provides perfect clock management at ultra-low jitter while enabling audio signal correction and DoP decoding.
The X16 is equipped with a number of high-quality components. These include the low distortion and low noise OPA1612 operational amplifiers, Vishay and MELF resistors, TPS7A47 and TPS7A33 linear regulators, two Accusilicon AS318-B clock generators and a custom-designed toroidal transformer.
Equipped with a Qualcomm CSR8675 chip the X16 can receive audio streams over Bluetooth. This chip supports SBC and AAC codecs, aptX, aptX LL, aptX HD and LDAC encoding for stable transmission and convincing reproduction up to 24bit/96kHz PCM resolution.
The X16 is equipped with ample connectivity capabilities making it easy to integrate into a wide range of audio systems. Inputs include USB-B, coaxial, Toslink optics and I2S via HDMI, as well as Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. On the output side it offers ballanced XLR and single-ended RCA connections.
The USB-B input comes with a powerful XMOS XU216 chip. It supports PCM files up to 32-bit 768 kHz, DSD files up to DSD512 and 384 kHz MQA files.
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