The MEE audio Connect Air audio transmitter allows on-board entertainment systems and other devices to transmit high-quality digital audio via Bluetooth.
1. Connect it to the on-board entertainment system or any other 3.5 mm audio connector
2. Pair with either two AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones
3. Enjoy high-quality wireless sound.
Works with aircraft entertainment systems and all other audio devices with standard 3.5mm audio output, including Xbox/PlayStation controllers, Nintendo Switch and computers
Stream audio to up to two AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones or speakers at the same time
Connect Air transmits clear, distortion-free digital sound without white noise, there is no need to find the right frequency, and there is no way for aliens to listen to the sound stream.
Supported audio codecs include Qualcomm® aptX™, which provides improved sound fidelity and clarity, and Qualcomm® aptX™ Low Latency, which minimizes sound latency and prevents lip sync problems with aptX™ Low Latency-compatible headphones.
The built-in rechargeable battery provides 15 hours of playtime or can be kept connected for an ever-continuous connection.
The sleek design with the built-in audio connector easily fits in the pocket or bag, making Connect Air the perfect companion for your Bluetooth headphones.
Connect Air Bluetooth Transmitter
USB-C Charging Cable
Fast Deployment Guide
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