Experience high-end audio excellence and incredible value with the Morel Avyra 622 Bookshelf Speakers. Introducing the Avyra Series by Morel, an embodiment of audio excellence inspired by the Hebrew essence of “ambiance.” Meticulously handcrafted in Israel, the Avyra lineup is a symphony of sound and style, featuring the Avyra 633 floor-standing speakers, Avyra 622 bookshelf units, the Avyra C5 centre channel, and a range of powerful Avyra subwoofers. Each piece is engineered to elevate both HiFi and home theatre experiences, delivering premium sound without the need for costly electronics.
The Avyra Series stands out with its chic, modern design, available in four sophisticated semi-matte finishes: all black, all white, natural oak wood, and natural light walnut. This elegant aesthetic complements any interior. The series incorporates some of Morel’s hallmark technologies with handcrafted 28mm soft dome tweeters, external voice coil typology, high-flux magnet systems, and one-piece DPC cone construction. These elements work in unison to produce a deep, dynamic bass and a warm, captivating sound signature, ensuring every nuance and detail of music is felt and heard with utmost clarity.
Key Features:
Elevate your listening experience with the Morel Avyra 622 Bookshelf Speakers, where high-end audio excellence meets incredible value.
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