Sendy Audio introduces Apollo, an exceptional headset that uses planar magnetic technology for incredibly accurate and precise sound. The luxurious wood and metal design hides a true concentrate of technology, designed to offer the most faithful and richest sound reproduction possible for the most immersive listening experience.
the planar magnetic drive consists of a double magnet + a double coil on both sides of the membrane.
The essence of the placement of the coils is that the coil is located on both sides of the membrane. And the double solution is that there are two coils on each side of the membrane. Thanks to the technology, the membrane thus performs frequency-precise vibration. A magnet located on both sides provides a stable magnetic field.
After more than three years of experimentation, the design of this flat magnetic drive results in the best magnetic circuit, precise matching and resonance-free operation.
The composite diaphragm material with high internal damping provides a natural and soft vocal tone as well as solid bass. The ultra-thin and high rigidity material responsible for the high frequency increases the upper range of the frequency to 40kHz, giving the treble a clear, clear and detailed sound.
The headphone housing cover is made of laser-machined steel plate in the shape of a sunbeam. This pattern is the origin of the name Apollo.
The steel mesh in black and nickel colors is reflected with well-separated layers, which not only gives a decorative aesthetic feel, but also has a positive effect on the sound quality with the special arrangement of single openings.
The wooden headphone housing is made of high-quality rosewood. The process includes precise CNC machining, grinding, polishing, painting and natural drying. The surface of the wood housing is painted glossy, which gives it an elegant and smooth feel when holding the headphones in hand.
The headband is made of goatskin. It guarantees soft and comfortable wearing.
The headband design is ergonomic and easy to wear without fatigue or discomfort.
The ear cushion consists of high-protein materials and soft memory foam.
The design of the ear cushion patterns a bowl shape, wraps around the entire ear and relieves the burden on the earlobes with this arrangement.
The ear cushions can be easily replaced.
The interchangeable 6N OCC braided cable ensures lossless signal transmission.
The cable fits obliquely into the headphone housing, which ensures that the cable does not come into contact with the wearer's shoulder when wearing the headphones, thus reducing cable noise.
- APOLLO headphones
- Balanced audio cable
- Leather carrying case
- Fabric protective case
- Adapter 4.4mm - 3.5mm
Design: open, around the ear
Driver Size: 68mm
Frequency range: 20Hz – 40kHz
Sensitivity: 95dB ± 3dB
Impedance: 16 Ohm ± 15%
Cable length: 2m ± 0.2m
Connector: 4.4mm Pentaconn symmetrical
Weight: 395g
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