The path to harmony through the sounds of music. SoundMAGIC. The essence of Eastern philosophies.
Internationally renowned for the development and manufacture of mid-range and high-end earphones and headphones. Research and development, original and innovative products, unique design and construction, strict quality control and a professional sound experience. All these values are the strength of the world-famous SoundMAGIC. Unique value for money for those looking for quality sound and a trendy look.
SoundMAGIC's unique sound signature is the signature of founder Tony XU. Its detailed sound remains undistorted on many instruments. Its dynamics are outstanding and, despite its strong bass, it shows only slight colouration.
All-metal construction, unique twisted-pair wiring and low cable noise, and comes with a range of ear tips and carrying case. Available in four stunning colour variations, it truly gives the impression of a premium product in every aspect. With an impedance of 46 Ohms, this portable amplifier can significantly boost sound quality, although it can easily cope with mobile phones. The built-in remote control and microphone make it ideal for phone calls and meetings.
In addition to the sleek and streamlined capsule, the sturdy jack connector is made of machined metal. Durable, aesthetic and exceptionally good sounding. In the SoundMAGIC tradition.
The SoundMAGIC "E" Series offers reliable reference quality in its price range. You can trust it!
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