60 years of experience in the design of earphones, resulted in universally fitting earbuds that are compact, low profile, light and extremely comfortable. Saja ear fittings improve the performance of the W20 by providing excellent fit and sealing.
REZZLING LANGUAGE DRIVE TECHNOLOGY: Westone Audio's own vibrating language drives provide enhanced sonic details and frequency range that go well beyond other solutions in the competition.
WESTONE BLUETOOTH CABLE: A full-resolution Bluetooth cable uses aptX® technology to produce extraordinary detail, clarity and dynamic sound stage.
The Features of the Westone Audio Bluetooth cable:
- 8 hours battery life,
- 10 meters / 32 feet range,
- water and dust resistant IPX-4 rating,
- Exclusive MMCX Audio® connectors that allow bluetooth cable to be any unique fit or universal fit fit use of earphones.
3-BUTTON MFI CONTROL SYSTEM + MICROPHONE: 52" MFi cable with MMCX Audio connector with a microphone controller that is compatible with iPhone®, iPods and iPads®®
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