Kii Audio defies the laws of physics. The Model THREE active monitor speaker system sounds as clear, linear and crisp in any room as if the walls disappeared. The BXT Bass Extender makes the system even more versatile.
Other Ultrasone patented, award-winning S-Logic Natural Surround Sound
technology provides a natural, immersive listening experience. The
specially designed drive placement guarantees realistic sound. This is the
technology results in a reduction in sound pressure levels of up to 40%, which is convenient,
It provides long-term silence.
When you choose TWS (fully wireless) earbuds, primary
aspect is uptime and sound quality – and, of course, comfort. The everyday
when using it, we are faced with the fact that the TWS earbuds of our choice
Performs in a completely different way when making a phone call than listening to music every day.
When did TWS Bluetooth technology start? Wireless earbuds
They are almost as old as the advent of Bluetooth. The first wireless
earphones were only suitable for telephone calls, although they broadcast sound.
Their design was functional, usually with a mono design that can be hung on the ear, weak
They were sound-quality devices.
KLH KENDALL Mk2 PREMIUM SPEAKERS - History made and innovated
The all-new speaker range will be available for the first time in Europe at Muzix Audio and will be available for delivery in October 2023. Pre-orders are subject to availability.
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