The Matrix Audio Mini-I Pro 4 is a versatile, compact DAC (digital-analogue converter) and network player with the ES9039Q2M DAC chip at its heart, providing excellent digital audio processing capabilities. The Mini-I Pro 4 offers a wide range of streaming options with Spotify, Tidal, Qobuz, AirPlay 2, Roon Ready, DLNA/OPnP protocols, all of which are supported by the manufacturer's own MA player interface and MA Remote App control application. A 3.46" high-resolution touchscreen, analogue RCA inputs for turntables, RCA and balanced XLR outputs, and an HDMI ARC port for a true home cinema experience. The Pro version features symmetrical headphone amplification with 6.35mm and 4.4mm headphone jacks on the front, and dual-band WiFi connectivity. So the Mini-I Pro 4 is not just for streaming music online, it offers dynamic and detailed sound reproduction for all avid music lovers.
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