The SMSL SH-9 is a headphone amplifier that incorporates the great THX AAA technology (Achromatic Audio Amplifier).
The construction is divided around two mono amplifier blocks. The SH-9 can thus deliver up to 6W of power16 under Ohm. It uses anti-pop relays and has an analog volume control with an interval of 256, which is based on a resistance array. The impedance of the input circuit with a 47kΩ amplification setting (+ 0 / + 10dB) to match the level cast by the source.
The massive construction uses a CNC-machined housing from an aluminum block. In addition to stability, it significantly reduces distortion due to external interference.
The THXAAA version 888 (Audiophile high performance series) is characterized by a reduction in distortion of up to 40 dB due to the use of high-performance correction algorithms. (harmonic / intermodulation / crossover). This unparalleled technology offers incomparable listening performance in terms of dynamic range, maximum output power, and sound pressure (SPL).
For a quality connection to DAC or analog sources of different complexities, the SH-9 has traditional asynchronous line input on the stereo RCA connector and symmetrical input on the 3-pole XLR connector.
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