The SIRIUS Bluetooth receiver combines the excellent sound quality of the ULTRASONE Performance series with wireless convenience and error-free audio transmission of aptX® Bluetooth. The Performance series enjoys an excellent reputation in the headphone market. When designing a wireless model, an innovative new development was created: Sirius. Instead of designing a newer model in the Performance series, a module was created that converts all models of the Performance family into Bluetooth headphones. Simply remove the cable from the Performance headphones - and insert the SIRIUS module. So you can enjoy your music via Bluetooth aptX® data transfer with complete freedom of movement.
SIRIUS fits perfectly with Performance series headphones. Its strongly curved shape follows the design of the headphones and thus adheres exactly to the case. SIRIUS weighs just 12 grams - so performance headphones always remain comfortable to wear.
The sound quality of the Performance series is indisputable. High-quality drivers and S-Logic® technology ensure perfect audio transmission. The SIRIUS module uses the aptX® Bluetooth codec for lossless audio streaming of the highest quality. You can turn all models of the Performance series into premium Bluetooth headphones using SIRIUS, but you can switch to wired transmission at any time, for example, with devices that are not Bluetooth-based.
In addition to SIRIUS' bluetooth receiver function, it also includes a headphone amplifier. This ensures that performance headphones always have enough power.
SIRIUS has three buttons for actions. Two of them can adjust the volume, while the third button can be used to start and pause playback. The integrated microphone allows you to use performance headphones as headphones to make calls on your smartphone or tablet or to communicate wirelessly while playing games. Thanks to the powerful battery, SIRIUS can be operated continuously for up to 12 hours.
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