Every person has a different ear canal. In diameter, in unevenness, and in length. What's more! In fact, the diameter of our ear canal is far from constant! When we talk, chew, or just move our jaws, the diameter of our ear canal is constantly changing. That's why silicone "rubber" earplugs slip out of your ears, as the constant change in diameter causes them to "pump out".
It's a solution developed by science and passion together to provide a unique and perfect fit for almost any ear canal, and it won't slip out. The foam material is able to compensate for continuous diameter changes and its porous outer surface gently "snuggles" into our ear canal. Not only is it much more comfortable, but it also provides excellent noise cancellation, exceptional fit and sound quality, and ultra comfortable to wear!
. It fits better. Plus, it sounds nicer. As it expands after placing it in the ear to fit perfectly into the ear canal, one thing becomes certain: there is no going back from here. Thanks to the unique viscoelastic memory foam technology, it fits perfectly on any ear canal under the influence of body temperature. Although its size and shape may change under the influence of temperature changes or movement, THE COMPLY™ memory foam changes along with the auditory canal. This is what makes not only the costume but also the sound world truly special and unique. It seems simple. It sounds great. The music is better with him.
Comply ™ TrueGrip ™ Pro premium earbud tips are designed to fit certain truly wireless earphone models and have a uniquely tapered design that precisely closes the ear canal to block out external sound for better sound and call clarity. In addition, the TrueGrip ™ Pro fittings have a shorter design, providing a perfect fit in the charging case.
The acoustically transparent filter inside the tip keeps moisture, sweat and earwax out of the earphone's sound hole.
Inner diameter : SONY TWS earbuds sound port size
Comply products are considered as hygiene products. For health / hygiene reasons, they cannot be returned after opening after delivery.
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