A digital signal processing (DSP) technology controls the frequency output when the volume is changed. The algorithm of this DSP chipset is capable of dynamically adjusting the treble, mids, and lows to maintain a balanced sound field no matter what volume you listen to it, to produce clearer and natural sound.
1 flat subwoofer and 1 tweeter in a compact design provide clear highs and punchy bass at 30W. Grammy Award-winning sound engineer Luca Bignardi fine-tunes all 1MORE products in order to accurately portray the artist's voice.
The unique flat design and built-in microphone are ideal for answering phone calls or making conference calls.
Listen to one speaker in mono mode or two speakers in stereo mode for a better listening experience. Place two speakers in the room to fully immerse yourself in stereo audio experience.
With special durable nanocoating treatment and IPX4 water resistance.
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