If you want to pay attention to improving sound quality, the Brainwavz B400 is designed for you. The four vibrating tongue armature drives deliver amazing sound performance per page, with beautiful width and depth, and focused imaging also delivers a fantastic 3D listening experience. The detail and realistic layout of the devices also increase the natural appearance.
(HI-FI TRENDS magazine March 2019)
The Brainwavz offers extremely high-quality ear and headphones with a special design that provides an affordable listening experience for customizable users and music that matches a wide variety of music genres and styles. Price. The brainwavz brand's popularity around the world is unbroken, and its success is mainly due to its product portfolio offering the highest quality at the best price
The brainwavz's new B400 earbuds, which can also be used as a reference monitor, use a drive of 4 BA (Balanced Armature) per page, thus precisely tuning the radiation range of high, medium, medium, center and deep frequencies separately. The result is neutral, analytical sound, which makes the headset an ideal control tool.
The American-made vibrating language drives used by Brainwavz create the perfect audiophile experience with excellent frequency radiation.
The modern, liquid resin-based 3D printing enables individual on-demand production, even a few pieces, and significantly increases the accuracy of quality control.
The soluble, standard MMCX connector allows you to flexibly change the cables, thus fitting the ear monitor to the socket in the player, and you can also change the sound thanks to cables of other technologies.
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