The Susvara Unveiled is the manufacturer's next high-end audiophile headphones, continuing the success of the Susvara with a new technological approach. HiFiMan promises more detail than ever before with minimal distortion, natural warmth, maximum imaging, and transparency. The design of the headphones is completely open-back, made with a new nanometer-thick membrane and a removable magnetic cover, which when removed reveals the Unveiled Stealth Magnet planar driver - true to the headphone's name. By eliminating grids and other sound-reflecting elements from the driver's path, this design allows the ultra-light driver to move freely without influencing factors, uncovering more details in the music being listened to. It is important to reposition the so-called magnetic veil after use, as this CNC milled cover protects the driver from unwanted magnetizable objects and contaminants. The Susvara Unveiled is a truly anticipated flagship reference headphone. HiFiMan's goal was once again to create the best premium headphones that money can buy. The package includes a 3m (118") 4-pin XLR cable, a 3m 6.35mm cable, a pair of magnetic covers, and a pair of headphone-mounted ear pads.
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