The ET3 is the top-quality, more concentrated member of Shanling's top-loading CD player series, which can be perfectly paired with High-End DAC (digital-to-analog converter) devices as a dedicated CD transport. The heart of the transport is driven by several high-performance components, such as the dual-core Ingenic X2000 chip responsible for low latency, the CT7302CL chip for upscaling to DSD and PCM, the Philips SAA7824 servo, and the SANYO HD850 CD drive, which ensures stable playback. The ET3 offers USB-A input and output, in addition to I2S, AES/EBU, Optical, and COAX outputs. Bluetooth 5.0 connection is also available, supporting aptX, aptX HD, and LDAC codecs. The dual-band WiFi supports DLNA and AirPlay protocols, and the free Eddict Player application aids in remote music control and streaming. The ET3 matches in size with the EH3 DAC and headphone amplifier, and it is equipped with a 320x290 pixel resolution IPS LCD display. The aluminum-housed player has a removable cover made of darkened tempered glass. The package includes a power cable and a remote control.
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