Following the success of the popular SCD1.3, the MCD1.3 DAC (digital-analog converter) and CD player has been released. The MCD1.3 is capable of playing CD discs just like the SCD1.3, but it uses a Philips SAA7824 driver and Sanyo DA11 laser, and supports 4X MQA-CD quality, unlike the SCD1.3, which remains the manufacturer's flagship SACD audio disc player. The tuning of this multifunctional device is based on Shanling's flagship portable player, the M9 Plus, with AKM AK4499EX and AK4191EQ DAC chip combo, XMOS XU316 USB interface, and TPA6120 headphone amplifier. It provides extremely detailed sound with a huge soundstage, precise audio quality, and at the same time adds pleasant warmth and smoothness to the classic Shanling sound. With outstanding volume control precision and the MUSES8920 operating as a preamplifier, the MCD1.3 can be directly paired with power amplifiers or active speakers, enabling a simple and high-quality 2-channel speaker setup. It uses the MediaTek ME1389EE system alongside the laser, tray mechanism, fully utilizing the capabilities of CD discs.
Beyond playing CD formats, it offers various possibilities including Bluetooth function, USB-A U-Disk port, as well as NAS, DLNA, and AirPlay network support. It provides AAC, aptX HD, and LDAC resolutions over Bluetooth 5 connection, and can be easily controlled remotely via the free Eddict Player application. In addition to the USB-B, coaxial SPDIF, and Toslink optical inputs, it also features I2S HDMI, coaxial SPDIF, and Toslink optical digital outputs, as well as RCA and balanced XLR analog outputs, making the SCD1.3 compatible with almost any audio system.
The MCD1.3 is built with a simple and elegant aluminum housing, equipped with a 5-inch M-Touch touchscreen display, available in black and silver colors. Not just for CD collectors!
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