The Topping PA3s is a compact but powerful class-D amplifier. It is based on two Infineon MA12070 D-class amplifier chips. The unit is equipped with a pair of balanced Jack and a pair of conventional RCA inputs.
TThe PA3s is based on a pair of Infineon Merus MA12070 Class D amplifier chips, providing 2 x 65W output power at 4Ω load and 2 x 37W output power at 8Ω load, with much better efficiency than standard Class A, B and A/B amplifiers. The symmetrical signal processing architecture allows for a significant reduction in channel pass-through for accurate sound reproduction. The heat generated is dissipated from both amplifier chips by a large passive radiator, a heat sink.
The PA3s offers dual inputs for a wide range of usability, with a pair of conventional stereo RCA inputs and a symmetrical 6.3 mm TRS Jack input. The use of symmetrical inputs eliminates potential ground loop problems to facilitate trouble-free use. The inputs can be selected using the front panel button.
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