
Precision High Fidelity Earbuds

Etymotic Research, Inc. is an engineering-driven research, development and manufacturing company. Mead Killion, Ph.D. founded Etymotic Research in 1983 to design products that accurately evaluate hearing, improve the lives of people with hearing loss, as well as protect hearing and enhance the listening experience of musicians and music lovers around the world. 

By 1984, Etymotic had deep roots in acoustic research and precision hearing aids. The first earphone versions were used for diagnostic testing and precise hearing research (ER-1, 2, 3). Then Etymotic produced the world's first noise-proofing, high-quality earphones, the ER-4 (1991), which became the basis for all subsequent insert phones  Etymotic earphones and headphones developed by other manufacturers worldwide, creating an entire consumer electronics category. After countless fine-tuning and precision advancements in manufacturing technology, ER-4 earbuds are still produced and continue to be produced in small quantities at Etymotic laboratories in the United States. Each pair of earphones is selected and the difference between the left and right channels remains within 1 dB (!) of the entire frequency spectrum, thus ensuring accuracy on the order of magnitude of the measuring instrument. >>>

Precision High Fidelity Earbuds

Etymotic Research, Inc. is an engineering-driven research, development and manufacturing company. Mead Killion, Ph.D. founded Etymotic Research in 1983 to design products that accurately evaluate hearing, improve the lives of people with hearing loss, as well as protect hearing and enhance the listening experience of musicians and music lovers around the world. 

By 1984, Etymotic had deep roots in acoustic research and precision hearing aids. The first earphone versions were used for diagnostic testing and precise hearing research (ER-1, 2, 3). Then Etymotic produced the world's first noise-proofing, high-quality earphones, the ER-4 (1991), which became the basis for all subsequent insert phones  Etymotic earphones and headphones developed by other manufacturers worldwide, creating an entire consumer electronics category. After countless fine-tuning and precision advancements in manufacturing technology, ER-4 earbuds are still produced and continue to be produced in small quantities at Etymotic laboratories in the United States. Each pair of earphones is selected and the difference between the left and right channels remains within 1 dB (!) of the entire frequency spectrum, thus ensuring accuracy on the order of magnitude of the measuring instrument. Innovation, education and hearing protection are at the heart of Etymotic's mission. 

 Etymotic's products are developed by scientists, researchers, hearing impaired consumers, professional and amateur musicians, and consumers who require special fidelity and who insist on sound quality with unparalleled precision. Throughout Etymotic's history, audio engineers, audiologists and musicians have worked together to issue and incorporate more than 100 world patents into their products. 

Etymotic still has a number of musicians in its workforce. As of 2019, it has merged with Lucid Audio to take occupational and hearing protection products to the next level. The USA-based group is a leader in the development and production of precision earphones. They are based in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.  U.S.A.

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