A headphone amplifier is a low-power audio amplifier specifically designed to drive headphones or earphones. Headphone amplifiers are most commonly integrated into electronic devices that have headphone jacks, such as integrated amplifiers, portable music players (DAP), or televisions. Separate units are particularly used in audiophile markets and professional audio applications, such as recording studios.
In essence, a headphone amplifier is a small power amplifier that can be connected to a standard headphone jack or a line output of an audio source. Devices intended for Hi-Fi use allow for greater potential volume and better current capacity compared to smaller, cheaper headphone amplifiers used in most audio players. Using a headphone amplifier can significantly enhance the enjoyment of music through headphones or earphones. For high-quality headphones, it is essential to use an amplifier to fully appreciate their capabilities.
45,85 Eur - 52 580,78 Eur
Main features
Max output power
Nominal output power
Transducer diaphragm material
Signal to Noise ratio
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