The Audiofly AFT2 is equipped with 6mm dynamic drivers driven by a pair of neodymium magnets for higher magnetic flux density.
AFT2 was also designed with convenience in mind, so they took some of the ergonomic research they gained from their experience creating custom IEMs.
Audiofly AFT2 has Bluetooth 5.0 Qualcomm chipset, Qualcomm cVc 8.0 noise-canceling technology, and several supported Bluetooth codecs like SBC, ACC, and aptX.
AFT2 is IPX5 certified, which means that the device has been tested for protection against a jet of water from a 6.3 mm nozzle, 12.5 liters / min at a speed of 3 meters with a pressure of 30 kPa, no more than 3 minutes.
With the introduction of Qualcomm cVc noise reduction technology, AFT2 reduces ambient noise during a call, making speech more understandable at the receiving party.
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