Compatible with Dobot Magician BASIC, EDU and LITE robotic arms
With the DOBOT Magician conveyor belt kit, you can have a complete simulated production line. The powerful and programmable DOBOT Magician, combined with its adjustable conveyor speed, distance and colour sensor, is the ideal tool to create a highly efficient simulated or real production line.
Conveyor Belt:
The mini conveyor is the perfect addition to your automation processes.
Photoelectric switch:
This makes it possible to detect objects passing in front of the switch, enabling an even more precise automation process.
Color sensor:
An easy-to-use colour sensor that can be used to categorise red, blue and green objects.
These colourful foam cubes are easy to grip, move and stack. Ideal for understanding the automation process.
Conveyor Belt
Workload | 500g |
Efficient moving distance | 600mm |
Max speed | 120mm/s |
Max acceleration | 1100mm/s2 |
Size | 215mm x 700mm x 60mm |
Weight | 4.2kg |
Measurable distance range | 20 ~ 150mm |
Signal | Analog out |
Input | 4.5 ~ 5.5V |
Input | 3 - 5V |
Detectable objects | Non-luminous objects |
Equipped with white LED, On/Off control |
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