STAX SRM-T8000: Vacuum Tube Input Driver Unit for Earspeakers
Experience unparalleled audio fidelity with our Vacuum Tube Input Driver Unit for Earspeakers. Designed for audiophiles seeking the pinnacle of sound quality, this unit features a hybrid amplifier configuration with the renowned 6922 dual triode tube in the first stage and a class-A operating semiconductor at the output stage, delivering ultra-low noise, precision, and rich musical expression.
Key Features:
- Full-Balanced Transmission: Ensures ultra-low noise and accurate sound reproduction.
- Independent Vacuum Tube Mounting: Isolates the tube from vibration and external noise with a vibration-proofing damper and a vacuum tube shield cover.
- High-Quality Components: Large-sized toroidal transformer and non-magnetic aluminum chassis for clear tone quality.
- Multiple Inputs: Equipped with four input pairs, with LINE4 as an optional future expansion slot.
- External Volume Control: Features an EXTERNAL (BYPASS) function for volume control through external equipment.
- Advanced Isolation: Newly developed large-sized aluminum insulator with high isolation efficiency and grip power.
- Frequency Response: 1Hz - 115kHz (with one earspeaker)
- Rated Input Level: 100mV (at 100V output)
- Maximum Input Level: 30Vrms (at minimum volume)
- Gain: 60dB
- Harmonic Distortion: 0.01% or less at 1kHz (with one earspeaker)
- Input Impedance: 50kΩ / 50kΩ x 2 (XLR input)
- Maximum Output Voltage: 470Vrms
- Mains Voltage: AC120V/AC220/AC230/AC240 (depending on country)
- Power Consumption: 58W (95W with optional slot) at 50/60Hz
- Operating Temperature: 0 to 35 degrees Celsius (less than 90% humidity, non-condensing)
- Dimensions: 320mm (W) x 103mm (H) x 395mm (D) (including protruding portion)
- Weight: 7.3kg
- Additional Features: Equipped with PARALLEL OUT, volume bypass, and MUTE function.
The manufacturer does not recommend using other electrostatic headphones with STAX amplifiers. These headphone amplifiers are available in black and silver colors.
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