The Shanling M6 Ultra is the significantly updated successor to the previously popular M6 models in several respects. The highly anticipated high-definition audio player features four 32-bit AK4493SEQ DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) chips in a unique balanced architecture with outstanding output performance, offering flexible use and a premium listening experience in full harmony with the 8-core Snapdragon 665 processor and Android 10 (AGLO) technology.
Wirelessly, it can both transmit and receive signals at LDAC resolution with Bluetooth 5 connectivity, and support NAS, DLNA and AirPlay for remote music listening via WiFi 2.4G/5G connection. Behind the 5" 1080p display built into the aluminium casing is a 5650mAh battery capable of 18W QC3.0 fast charging, providing up to 13.5 hours of playback via the 3.5mm single-ended output.
In addition to 16X MQA decoding, it also processes high-resolution 32bit 768kHz and native DSD512 signals. For the M6 Ultra, the manufacturer has designed a proprietary operational amplifier and buffer-based (4xOPA1612 + 2xOPA2211 + LTA8092 + BUF634A) balanced analogue circuitry, delivering a clean, powerful 720mW max power output on the 4.4mm balanced output.
Future users will be pleased to find that the M6 Ultra will easily drive the most demanding IEMs and headphones. Made in black, green and blue. The package also includes a USB-A to USB-C cable and two screen protectors.
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