The DOBOT Magician Lite, a multifunctional, lightweight, intelligent robot arm designed for the DOBOT K12 and Scratch artificial intelligence-based education ecosystem. The Magician Lite represents a variety of software and hardware interaction methods and plug-in interfaces to allow students to maximize their creative freedom. Through building and playing, students can learn how artificial intelligence and mechanics work, and how to apply their rudimentary knowledge of the world of robotics to the real world.
DOBOT also organises robotics competitions to get students interested in collaborating and working as a team to test their design, engineering and programming skills.
Excellent performance and safe use:
The Magician Lite robotic arm is compact and weighs only 2.4kg, making it portable and easy to install for a variety of applications. It has a repeatability positioning of 0.2 mm, a load capacity of 0.25 kg and a radius of 340 mm. Can be equipped with soft gripper, suction cup, pen gripper and other end tools. The robot has a collision detection function, so it can be used safely around children.
Magic Box for unlimited capabilities:
The Magician Lite is equipped with an external control unit called "Magic Box", which separates motion control algorithms and user tasks to provide greater convenience for programming and creation. The robot features Bluetooth connectivity and 12 expansion slots for maximum openness and compatibility.
Graphical programming (Software):
With the new DOBOT Scratch software platform, students can create games or animations by simply dragging and dropping blocks of code. They can observe every movement of the robot and learn how artificial intelligence works. Magician Lite and Scratch programming make exploring technology fun.
Education for all ages:
Magician Lite comes with a complete curriculum system, divided into three stages from beginner to advanced level. The curriculum offers a variety of teaching demos that focus on experiential, project-based and exploratory learning. By participating in the DOBOT robot competitions, students can not only test their knowledge but also improve their overall skills, engineering abilities and innovation.
Magician Lite offers project-based learning demos that are interactive, hands-on, and inquiry-oriented. They are designed to help children develop logical thinking, practical skills and creativity.
The open and broadly compatible Magician Lite, is also able to cater for a myriad of application scenarios, helping children not only to understand the world of artificial intelligence and robots, but also to grow up to be real problem solvers.
Plenty of accessories, even more options:
DOBOT offers a range of kits for users, including writer and drawer, industry 4.0, AI vision, wireless and sensor kits. Intuitively programmable, Magician Lite is packed with possibilities, so educators and students can explore and create as they imagine with unlimited possibilities.
Accessories available for purchase outside the package include DOBOT MAGICIAN GO, MAGICIAN LITE SENSORY KIT and DOBOT MAGICIAN AI TEACHING KIT too.
Magician Lite Robot Arm:
Degrees of freedom: 4
Maximum load: 250g
Maximum range: 340mm
Repeat accuracy: ±0.2mm
Voltage: 100V-240V AC,50/60 Hz
Power Supply: 12V~5A DC
Working Environment: -5°C~45°C
Power: 60W Max
Communication: USB, virtual serial port / serial port
Software: DobotStudio/DobotBlock
Weight: 2.4KG
Rear arm/forearm: 150mm
Base Size: 146mm×146mm
Magic Box:
MCU: ARM 32-bit Cortex-M4
Frequency: 168 MHz
Voltage: 100V-240V AC,50/60 Hz
Power Supply: 12V~5A DC
Working Environment: -5°C~45°C
Power: 60W Max
Communication: USB, virtual serial port/serial port/Bluetooth
Programming Language: MicroPython
Software: DobotStudio/DobotBlock
Weight: 98g
Size: 95mm×80mm×21.5mm
Axis rotation range:
Axis 1- Base from -135° to +135°
Axle 2- Rear arm from -5° to +80°
Shaft 3- front lever from -10° to +85°
Axis 4- End tools from -145° to +145°
Shaft 1-3 maximum speed 300°/s
Axis 4 maximum speed 200°/s
End tools:
Pen holder pen diameter: 8-12 mm
Intake cup Built-in air pump drive operates under negative pressure with a suction cup diameter of 20 mm.
Soft grip Built-in air pump drive works under both positive and negative pressure with a maximum opening and closing distance of 50 mm.
Expansion interface:
Power connector: ×2 4PIN, 12V~3A DC
Multifunction communication interface ×2 10PIN, serial communication interface
I/O interface ×6 Green terminal, 4PIN, 3.3V/5V-IO, 5V 1A-VCC, multifunction multiplex interface, user-defined I/O, AD, PWM output, I2C, etc.
Step motor interface ×2 Yellow terminal, 4PIN, 2-phase stepper motor, 16 subdivisions, 12V 1A
12V power connector ×2 Red terminal, 2PIN, 12V, 3A Max.
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