The Beijing-based Infomedia Group is China's largest broadcasting/studio technology development company. However, the giant company, which is also developing and producing for Nagra in Switzerland, is not only at home in studio technology, but also in "converting" it to a portable size for demanding consumers.
The device is a full-fledged HIFI audio player in its own right that allows you to play native DSD128 recordings or 24bit 192kHz PCM recordings. However, connected to a smartphone application (BLE connection), it is also a versatile device that supports sports. With the help of its built-in GPS receiver and motion sensor sensors, it tracks the direction of movement (running) and the number of steps even without a smartphone. When synchronised with the smartphone, the data can be evaluated by transferring it to the smartphone. It has the ability to change the speed of the rhythm of the tracks stored in the "SPORT" section according to the intensity of the run (BPM number) without causing a pitch change.
The new firmware can be downloaded here: Link
Professional build quality ensures stable operation ADI Blackfin DSP uses professional digital audio algorithms to improve han quality.
The PAW Pico, although it does not have its own display, is clear to operate and has no difficulty in navigating. Although its built-in 32GB of memory is not expandable, its size and the ability to quickly copy songs make it a particularly enjoyable, highly capable "miracle" that weighs only 26 grams. Also during rest and sports. It copes with digital formats in an extremely wide range, so it can play virtually everything.
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