Sivga continues its line of wood-finish earphones with an impressive model. The Que's dual-chambered interior design houses a 10mm beryllium diaphragm driver with natural mid, high and powerful bass tuning that paints a broad soundstage across most musical styles.
The precision-cast zinc alloy cabinet is finished in champagne gold and its top is made from North American white maple, giving each piece a unique appearance. The interchangeable oxygen-free copper cable is 1.25m (49") long, with 2-pin 0.78mm and single-ended 3.5mm connectors, making it compatible with almost all DAC, amplifier and player products.
The Chinese word Que means "magpie". This lightweight and classic earphone offers outstanding clarity and smoothness for its price, with minimal distortion. The package includes the interchangeable cable, six pairs of silicone ear tips and a leather-effect carrying case.
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