The Topping E50 is a compactly designed powerful converter that uses proven audio components widely recognised by audiophiles. The ESS ES9068AS D/A chip and XMOS XU216 USB interface allow playback of both high-resolution files and MQA encoded music recordings, and even offers a symmetrical Jack analogue signal output.
The E50 digital-to-analogue converter stage uses the latest ESS ES9068AS DAC chip for high quality, detailed sound. It delivers excellent performance with very low distortion of 0.00009% and a dynamic range of 126 dB.
The USB interface of the Topping E50 uses a second-generation XMOS XU216 16-core chip with a custom Thesycon driver, driver software, and full compatibility with Wndows, MAC, iOS, LINUX and Android systems. Coupled with the ES9068AS D/A chip, this combination allows for perfect audio neutrality, but also supports high resolution files up to 768 kHz PCM and DSD512 resolution with MQA decoding. The CPLD built into the USB input unit effectively reduces digital signal jitter.
In addition to USB connectivity, coaxial and optical SPDIF inputs allow the E50 to be connected to a wide range of digital sources, including CD players, TVs, media players and games consoles, for higher quality sound than ever before. As an output, the E50 includes both a conventional RCA and a symmetrical 6.35 mm Jack socket, making it easy to integrate into a wide range of audio systems.
The power requirements are low enough that full power can be supplied via a USB port but a standard DC socket is also built in to which any 5-volt external power supply or even a telephone charger can be connected. To optimise power consumption, the E50 will automatically switch off when not in use for more than a minute, and switch on automatically when music is playing.
The E50 has a preamplifier function. This allows you to control the volume with the remote control supplied. Ideal for power amplifiers or active speakers.
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