Cascara are fun, energetic earphones for everyday listening. Featuring a full-range 10mm dual-magnetic dynamic driver, Cascara has a rich, V-shaped tuning that exudes musicality and energy.
• Warm, detailed and cohesive sound
• Limited to 25 pieces
• As a part of the Multiverse III Achromatic Series it is made with limited white colorway
• Contoured, lightweight and ergonomic
• Hand polished stainless steel faceplate
• Durable custom-matrix MMCX connectors
• Cascara - Multiverse III Limited Release White Version Dynamic Driver In-ear Earphones
• TimeStream Metal 3.5mm, 2.5mm, 4.4mm - Three cables with three different connectors, 4-core silver plated copper cables in soft jacket
• Breezy Bag Jr - Compact ziplock case, limited edition white color
• Breezy Bag Micro - Two-pocket,mesh IEM bag, limited edition white color
• Earphone Tips - Two types of silicone ear tip (in several sizes)
• IEM Cleaning Tool
• Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
• CA logo pin
Frequency response: 5 Hz - 20kHz
Distortion: <1%
Impedance @1K: 23Ω
SPL: 94 dB @ 1kHz: 16.6 mVrms
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