Whether it's a 2-wheeled, 4-wheeled, 4-legged, legged, wheeled or transforming robot, UGOT can help you assemble any of the 7 possible variations!
The 7 pre-designed robot constructs have completely unique capabilities, so you can create a robot to perform almost any imaginable task with the toolbox of requirements.
You can create a two-wheeled balancing car to use as a spy robot to drive through low passages to complete your mission,
Or a four-legged animal-shaped robot to rule the city as a mechanical apex predator
Maybe a four-wheeled car with a robotic arm to get everyone out of an emergency,
Or maybe a car with adjustable height that can jump any obstacle in the terrain.
But the functions of our robot do not stop at the program we have written. Using artificial intelligence, every robot we create will have image recognition, text recognition, face recognition, autonomous functions, motion detection, gesture control, and ChatGPT supported text processing thanks to the open source Python SDK!
These capabilities allow us to create fantastic programs that would be a huge challenge for simple robots. For example, see how UGOT plays Rock-Paper-Scissors in the video below!
All this is housed in a central unit, which also has a touchscreen for quick programming and can be programmed in Python and block-based in addition to the built-in functions!
This process is extremely user-friendly and intuitive. You can use all the functions of the robot you have built via the UCode online graphical programming interface, simply drag the selected function block into the programming area and the blocks are connected to enable the robot to perform the tasks you have in mind. This could not only keeps you entertained, but could also keep your pet busy.
In addition, thanks to the open source code, you can program the UGOT control unit using the corresponding Python libraries. This allows you to configure the controller to your own needs and create completely custom functions for your robot.
In addition, a range of tutorials and learning challenges will help you develop your knowledge of the combination of artificial intelligence and robotics! Separate packs include the City Guardian pack, which lets you create a city saviour, or the Space Exploration pack, which lets you build fantastic robots to simulate the environmental challenges of distant planets.
With nearly 25 different parts and knob-lock connections, UGOT is one of the most versatile robotics training kits available. With wheels, grippers, sensors, servo units, camera, laser range finder, and high-speed motors, you can create the robot that's most useful to you.
You can also use the parts to create pre-designed robot constructions of your own design. Within the app and the UCode interface, for each construction, you can view digital 3D tutorials that show you the assembly steps for that robot using animations, and you can step forward or backward between assembly steps, or zoom and rotate to view the assembly step from any angle.
List of controller models:
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