The ear canal design results in good isolation and excellent bass without damaging the entire soundbar. Whatever style you prefer, the A848BL is the right choice. Forget the box sound, Awei is full of state-of-the-art chipsets and delivers a musical sound, even while running. Not only can it connect to two phones at the same time (e.g. corporate, private...) but the CVC noise reduction algorithm actively filters out background noise, so you don't have to repeat what you're saying anymore due to external interference.
Thanks to the controls integrated into the earbuds, the A848BL's wire is lightweight, there is no distracting battery or remote control on the wire. The powerful battery provides up to 6 hours of listening time and up to 300 hours of standby time
img alt="" src="/shop_ordered/90147/pic/Import/awei_a848bl-3_1.jpg" />
Thanks to the multipoint profile, you can connect to the A848BL with two devices at once. Whether it's a music player and a phone or two phones, you won't miss a single call.
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