Topping TCR2 Cables
10cm Cable:
Discover the Topping TCR2 10cm cable, featuring the advanced X-9 audio signal technology by MPS. Launched in November 2016, this cable combines ultra-high purity 6N/OCC (Ohno Continuous Casting) and 6N/OCCS (Ohno Continuous Casting Silver) conductors for superior sound quality. The copper isolation net effectively shields against electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) interference, ensuring clear and uninterrupted audio transmission.
With 21x 0.06mm OCCS and 40x 0.05mm OCC cores, the TCR2 enhances mid- and high-frequency details, delivering sharp and prominent sound. The intricate design of these small copper wires ensures that the audio signal remains pure and detailed, making the mid- and high-frequency ranges more pronounced.
The outer skin of the X-9, used in the TCR2, is a pearlescent matte black specially developed by MPS. This unique finish not only adds a stylish and sophisticated look but also keeps the cable soft and textured, providing durability and flexibility.
25/75/125/150cm Cable:
These cable lengths feature the advanced SGP-222 wire technology. Available in various lengths (25/75/125/150cm), they utilize 2 cores of 6N OCC and 6N OCCS conductors, combined with high shielding aluminium foil and 6N OCC in equal proportion. The copper mesh shielding achieves an impressive 98% effectiveness, ensuring minimal interference.
The wire core consists of 8x 0.16mm 6N OCCS and 180x 0.08mm 6N OCC, providing exceptional conductivity with a resistance of 26.9Ω/km. With a square number of 0.533mm²2 (19AWG2) and an outer diameter of 8mm, the TCR2 cables are designed for durability and superior performance.
Ideal for audiophiles seeking exceptional performance in a compact design, the Topping TCR2 cables are perfect for high-fidelity audio setups, ensuring that every note and nuance is captured with precision and clarity. Experience the difference with Topping’s cutting-edge technology and meticulous craftsmanship.
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