The Musician Monoceros is a high-end, symmetrically designed, reimagined Class-A preamplifier with audio circuits without dubious quality op-amps and chips, consisting exclusively of analogue discrete components, with extra-low harmonic distortion. (Power cable not included!)
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Precision CNC machined, aerospace-grade pure aluminium enclosure gives the MONOCEROS preamplifier a uniquely rugged look and high vibration damping.
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60-step volume control is achieved with digitally controlled professional OMRON relays and a high-precision R-2R resistor network, which guarantees exceptionally high sound quality, perfect channel coherence, very low (0.0003%) harmonic distortion and constant output impedance at all volume levels, the current value of which is displayed on a large display that can be easily read from several metres away.
MUSICIAN's proprietary ultra-low electrical noise analogue power supply is based on an oversized toroidal transformer wound from monocrystalline copper wire. This allows the unit to produce very dynamic, detailed music with a perfect soundstage.
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The big disadvantage of traditional potentiometer volume control is that each position produces a different sound quality. The Monoceros preamplifier's digitally controlled solution, built from analogue resistors, produces consistently high sound quality at all volume settings. Possible pops and bounces during on/off switching are eliminated by the built-in protection circuit.
The Monoceros Class A amplifier stages deliver surprisingly clear, articulate bass response and rich detail throughout the audible range. The Monoceros does not contain coupling capacitors, which degrade the sound quality of many other devices.
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The big disadvantage of traditional potentiometer volume control is that each position produces a different sound quality. The Monoceros preamplifier's digitally controlled solution, built from analogue resistors, produces consistently high sound quality at all volume settings. Possible pops and bounces during on/off switching are eliminated by the built-in protection circuit. The Monoceros Class A amplifier stages deliver surprisingly clear, articulate bass response and rich detail throughout the audible range. The Monoceros does not contain coupling capacitors, which degrade the sound quality of many other devices.
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The Monoceros has two balanced XLR inputs and one unbalanced RCA input, allowing it to accept signals from a wide range of source devices. It also has XLR and RCA outputs that can be used in parallel.
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