STAX SRM-270S Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier
Introducing the STAX SRM-270S Driver Unit, the powerhouse behind the SRS-X1000 electrostatic headphone system. This compact yet robust amplifier is designed to deliver exceptional audio clarity and performance, making it a perfect addition to any high-end audio setup.
Key Features:
- Enhanced Heat Dissipation: The SRM-270S features a 3mm-thick front aluminum panel and a larger aluminum extrusion case, ensuring effective heat management for prolonged use.
- High-Grade Connectivity: Equipped with RCA pin jacks and a solid 3mm-thick front aluminum panel, this unit guarantees a pristine and reliable connection.
- Low Noise FET: Selected for the first stage amplifier, combined with a refined emitter follower circuit in the output stage, providing unparalleled clarity and low noise.
- Compact Chassis: Its sleek and compact design makes it easy to place, transport, and aesthetically pleasing, fitting seamlessly into any environment.
- Flexible Installation: The PARALLEL OUT terminals allow for easy integration into your existing audio system, enhancing your music enjoyment or movie experiences at your desktop or bedside.
Technical Specifications:
- Frequency Response: DC to 35,000Hz / +0, -3dB
- Harmonic Distortion: 0.01% or less at 1kHz 100V r.m.s.
- Amplification: 58dB (800 times)
- Rated Input Level: 125mV / 100V r.m.s. output
- Maximum Output Voltage: 280V r.m.s. at 1kHz
- Input Impedance: 25kΩ
- Input Terminals: RCA x 1
- Output Terminal: Parallel out x 1
- Bias Voltage: 580V DC
- Power Supply Voltage: AC adapter included
- Power Consumption: 12VDC / 500mA
- External Dimensions: 132(W) × 38(H) × 153(D) mm (excluding protruding parts)
- Weight: 540g
Elevate your audio experience with the STAX SRM-270S Driver Unit, designed to provide superior sound quality and seamless integration into your high-end audio system.
The manufacturer does not recommend using other electrostatic headphones with STAX amplifiers.
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