The STAX SRM-700T electrostatic headphones amplifier is a high-end hybrid driver unit that combines the best of both worlds: FET input and vacuum tube output. Featuring the renowned 6SN7 GT tube in the second stage of its vacuum tube system, this amplifier ensures a powerful and clear performance. The first stage employs a custom-made low-noise dual FET, enhancing the overall sound quality.
The 6SN7 vacuum tube, which is the original form of the 6FQ7, delivers a simple yet robust performance. The hybrid driver design incorporates a high-quality non-inductive winding resistor from VISHAY Co., which serves as the load resistance. This combination results in a clear, high slew-rate vacuum tube sound that is further refined to produce a warm and spacious audio reproduction.
Key Specifications:
The STAX SRM-700T is designed for audiophiles seeking an unparalleled listening experience, combining advanced technology with meticulous craftsmanship to deliver exceptional sound quality.
The manufacturer does not recommend using other electrostatic headphones with STAX amplifiers. These headphone amplifiers are available in black and silver colors.
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