The Shanling H5 is a versatile device that serves as both a portable and desktop DAC (digital-analog converter), a headphone and speaker amplifier, and a music player.
The combination of dual AK4493SEQ DAC chips and XMOS XU316 USB processors results in rich and enjoyable sound quality, supporting 32-bit 768kHz PCM, DSD512, or MQA audio signals. It delivers clear audio with outstanding signal-to-noise ratio, low distortion, and powerful output up to 840mW @32Ohm impedance through dual TPA6120 and OPA1612 operational amplifiers. The device supports both 3.5mm single-ended and 4.4mm balanced headphone connections with a three-gain switch. With Bluetooth 5.0 capability, the H5 can also be paired wirelessly, even in LDAC resolution. It can be used as a preamplifier thanks to its RCA output for connecting to active speakers.
The micro SD card slot supports up to 2TB of storage expansion, which can be browsed through the Shanling's free Eddict Player application. A discrete 0.87” monochrome display with colored LED indicators shows bitrate, MQA, and charging information. The device houses a 3500mAh battery in an aerospace-grade aluminum body, providing up to 12.5 hours of playback time.
The H5 represents premium portable music listening experience with broad compatibility with modern devices such as smartphones, laptops, and gaming consoles. It is available in black and titanium colors. The package includes a USB-A to USB-C cable, a USB-C to USB-C cable, a 3.5mm to RCA COAX cable, and a carrying case.
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