The ergonomic design allows all-day use without ear fatigue.
The UltraBaX cable is an uncompromising four-wire twisted cable with super low impedance of 0.6 Ohm. It is designed to bring out the best in your music without discoloring or altering the sound you hear in any way.
Protect your MACH 70 from batteries in the Pelican™ shockproof, water and dust resistant case. It also features five pairs of Westone Audio patented foam and silicone joints to ensure perfect sealing and maximum comfort.
The Westone Audio MACH Series™ combines over 35 years of design and superior performance to deliver the sound quality you wanted to hear. Every aspect of the MACH Series™ is intentionally designed to deliver superior comfort and sound both on and off stage.
Experience music in your own way; in the Westone Audio way, and let's celebrate the artist in you.
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