The Ponderosa's five BA drivers offer unparalleled sound clarity in a masterfully crafted body. Campfire Audio ensures detail with its proprietary dual T.A.E.C. tweeters, along with a so-called Phase Harmony Engineering solution that segments the frequency spectrum into three parts. These segments are then assigned to specific drivers to highlight the drivers' strengths and result in better resolution and a separate soundstage. Each 3D-printed solid housing is hand-assembled using elegant stainless steel elements. The Ponderosa shines most in pop, rock, and other vocal-centric music, but is made for all discerning music listeners who seek accuracy and sophistication for their favorite tunes.
The universal Ponderosa is part of the Chromatic series and is available in two colors and accessory packages. The black or green headphones are packaged in an "all-in-one" Essential package with a 3.5mm Time Stream cable. The Deluxe package, designed for premium music listening connoisseurs, is available with 2.5mm, 3.5mm, and 4.4mm Time Stream cables and quality cases. Within each package, all accessory colors match the selected headphone color.
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