The path to harmony, realized through the sounds of music. SoundMAGIC. The essence of Eastern philosophies.
Has gained international fame through the development and production of mid- and high-end earphones and headphones. Research and development, original and innovative products, unique design and design, strict quality control and professional sound experience. All these values are the strength of the world-famous SoundMAGIC. Unique value for money for those looking for quality sound and trendy looks.
The wireless version of the award-winning ES20 model is the ES20BT, which can provide the familiar, dynamic and extremely lovable soundscape wirelessly. The ES20BT's sound is astonishingly detailed, and the stereo stage design is surprisingly wide - its sound is one class above its price tag. Its distinctive, characteristically ultra-deep bass range (13.5mm neodymium unique drive) doesn't overshoot or overwhelm the mid-to-treble ranges - yet it's a unique experience to listen to music.
The drivers are housed in a precision, machined, aluminum earphone housing, while the lightweight plastic control unit does not disconnect the cable. Inside the harness, a voltage-free Twisted Core cable ensures durability and true-to-life sound, an experience.
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