The Topping DX9 is the manufacturer's 15th anniversary commemorative model, and it is also their most powerful all-in-one product to date, equipped with the AK4499EQ DAC chip. The self-developed, high-performance discrete amplifier circuit contains 6 independent modules, making the single-ended/balanced amplifiers completely independent without interference. Each module contains 39 transistors, achieving excellent performance through precise tuning, surpassing various similar products on the market. Its impressive 7000mW x 2 @32Ω power is sufficient to drive any type of headphones. The dual color displays are equipped with Topping's new Aurora UI, and the settings can be quickly customized. The 8-channel digital input can connect to multiple front-end audio sources at once. The independent line output and preamp output can operate simultaneously, enabling multiple uses in a single device. The DX9 is a well-deserved home music center for every enthusiastic music lover.
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