Discover the Denafrips Pontus 15TH DAC, a marvel of audio engineering designed for the discerning music enthusiast. This DAC marks a significant leap in audio quality, employing advanced technologies to deliver a sound that is richly nuanced, profound, and intricately layered. The Pontus 15TH is not just an upgrade; it’s a bold redefinition of traditional audio standards, offering an auditory experience that is second to none.
At the core of its design is a genuine balanced R-2R ladder network array, with each channel boasting an independent high-speed CPLD. This intricate setup decodes digital signals through four sets of ultra-precise 0.005% R-2R networks, ensuring exceptionally low distortion and background noise. The result is a sound that resonates with clarity and fullness, captivating the listener with every note.
The Pontus 15TH’s power design is a testament to ingenuity, featuring an innovative box-in-box construction that isolates the DAC motherboard from the linear power supply unit, effectively shielding it from external interference. The robust metal alloy casing further enhances the purity and stability of the power supply, contributing to the overall sound quality.
Key upgrades include:
The Pontus 15TH is a true Non-Oversampling (NOS) DAC, maintaining the original sampling rate of audio signals without additional processing. Its enhanced PSU and conductors, featuring pure silver cables, ensure optimal power transfer from the PSU to the DAC mainboard.
Encased in a 1.5mm thick metal alloy enclosure, the dedicated linear power supply unit is the foundation of the Pontus 15TH’s clean sound. Dual O-Core Transformers, Ultra-Low ESR, Long Endurance Reservoir Capacitors, and a multi-stage super linear power supply all work in concert to provide ultra-precision and low ripple power.
As a mid-end DAC, the Pontus 15TH stands out for its exceptional audio performance, precise decoding capabilities, and innovative power design. It’s not just an audio device; it’s an ode to the art of music, crafted for those who seek the ultimate sound experience.
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