The DX180 is a high-definition, lossless portable audio player that is the modernised successor to the popular DX170, with a number of enhancements. With Android 13 operating system and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 processor, it is equipped with a larger 4GB RAM and 128GB ROM, expandable up to 2TB via Micro SD card slot. The two previous flagship DAC (digital-to-analogue converter) chips, which were already performing excellently, have been doubled, so the DX180 boasts 4x CS43131 and an FPGA-Master 2.0 new generation precision audio system controller. The resolution is 32bit 768kHz DSD512, with improved signal-to-noise ratio and dynamic range, and less distortion compared to its predecessor. Thanks to 690mW + 690mW @ 32 Ohm output power, even the most demanding ear and headphones can be driven.
Behind the 5" 1080x1920p resolution Sharp display, a 3200mAh PD3.0 and QC3.0 compatible battery provides up to 30 hours of battery life via the single-ended port or 15.5 hours of battery life via the balanced port after just 84 minutes of charging.
The DX180 is a big challenger in the audio player market and a definite step forward not just for iBasso's DX series, but for anyone who wants to get even more out of their listening on the go or at home. Available in black, green and light blue. The package includes a USB cable, a transparent case and four screen protectors.
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