The iBasso DX320 is a high-end digital music player with a careful design that delivers the best sound performance for an outstanding music experience. Powerful and feature-rich, the DX320 is the perfect companion for listening at home or on the go.
At the heart of the DX320 is an FPGA Master designed specifically for this model. The FPGA Master is responsible for restoring the audio data sent by the SoC to maintain a clean and stable signal. Combined with two Accusilicon clocks (45.1584M and 49.152M), it generates and perfectly synchronizes the clock signals. In short, it drastically reduces jitter and provides an extremely clean digital audio signal.
The DX320's power stage contains two independent batteries, the first for the digital stage and the second for the headphone amplifier. This separation of the power supplies limits potential interference between the digital and analogue circuits to minimise distortion.
The integrated 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor, etched on 14nm, delivers incredible performance for efficient processing of audio signals while enabling seamless navigation across the device interface. This SoC is combined with 6 GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage (ROM) (expandable via micro SD card, not included).
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