The Australian Audiofly has been making headphones for different audio recorders since 2012 equipped with multi-driver technology, which provides the user with a uniquely rich stage sound. We don't want musicians to be the only ones who can enjoy their passion, so when designing our advanced ear and headphones, we had similar technology and stage sound in mind, so that everyday music lovers don't have to give up on excellent sound anymore.
Have you ever wondered why your parents like old speakers and players? The old appliances are still in operation to this day, they have stood the test of time, because they were built properly. Our headphones are designed for nostalgia, but their performance is based on the latest technology.
With the classic style of the past in mind, but with the most advanced technology, we want to create new boundaries that have a great impact on product details, such as customized drivers, super-powerful CORDURA® fabric cables, hybrid speaker configurations that deliver warmth and clarity, and cleaner microphone technology.
Conservative quality materials and precision production are the main features of the AF33. Each time he shows his true knowledge and shocked us with his excellent sound quality.
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