The automated garbage sorting system uses speech recognition to recognise voice commands, image recognition to identify different types of garbage, and a robotic arm to place the garbage in the appropriate bin.
Voice recognition technologies such as Alexa, Cortana, Google Assistant and Siri are changing the way people interact with their devices, homes, cars and workplaces.
The automated stock replenishment system uses image segmentation to segment the goods in the image, image recognition to identify the different types of goods, and a robotic arm to place the goods on the right shelf.
Facial recognition technology has numerous applications in consumer markets and in the security and surveillance industries.
The smart shopping system uses speech recognition to identify the customer's order, a robotic arm to take the order and facial recognition for payment.
As a subset of artificial intelligence, image recognition is widely used in a wide range of settings, for example, facial recognition on your phone to take better pictures, or Facebook to automatically recognise your friends.
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